Safeguard - Smart Building Security and Management

Start your amazing stuff through AITS

A combination of a few solutions into one; this includes the Thermal Scanning Solution, Smart Door Access, Smart Gantry Solution, and Occupancy Count Solution. In these solutions, Artificial Intelligence that plays the main role in all that has been mentioned and enables the security of premises to be further enhanced.

Safeguard - Smart Building Security and Management

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aritificial intelligence technology solutions
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A real platform for automation

Get Benefits of using Safeguard

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Safeguard - Smart Building Security and Management

Discover The Features

To speak with our friendly product consultants or to request for a product demo, please leave us your contact details.

Enhanced security

Vision-based camera – enhanced security of the building

Access control

Access control detection and authorization.

On screen

Screen one person or multiple people.

Intelligent alert

Intelligent alert if there is suspected personnel or higher emissivity on thermal reading.

Works With

Works with any existing access control solutions.

Live Dashboard

Live Dashboard is cloud-based, user-friendly, and customizable.

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