aritificial intelligence technology solutions

Ways to Build Your Smart Home

Creating a smart home is an excellent way to make your home more comfortable, automated, and convenient. You can control various appliances, lights, thermostats, and other devices remotely through your smartphone or tablet using an internet connection. A fully automated home that responds to your every command has become increasingly popular amongst homeowners.

Smart home appliances can come with self-learning skills so they can learn the homeowner’s schedules and make adjustments as needed.

However, there are several factors you need to consider before implementing an intelligent home. These include the type of ecosystem you wish to use, such as Alexa, Apple HomeKit, or Google Nest, the devices you want to install, and the internet connection speed. Therefore, it is essential to plan how you want to use automation in your home before investing in smart devices.

Building Your Smart Home on Your Own

One way to build a smart home is to purchase various components, such as sensors, security cameras, smart bulbs, speakers, etc., and connect them all to a hub. This hub allows them to communicate with each other and you through your smartphone. However, some smart home platforms are incompatible with other devices, which can be frustrating. Therefore, it is vital to know which smart home products are not dependent on a hub to work.

On a good note, you can break it down into a smaller scale to make automating your home more manageable. The key here is to know which smart home products are not dependent on a smart home hub for them to work. You can start with one or two automated devices and then work your way up. There are plenty of Internet of Things (IoT) devices that you can install in your home. Among these are:

Smart TVs and Remotes

You may not consider your home theater to be part of your automated home, but it can be. Smart TVs allow you to watch channels and streaming platforms without a cable subscription. You can even link it with Alexa to use voice commands to change channels or switch to other functions!

Smart remotes can also be added to your automated home theater. Some of these devices allow you to control other features in your home, like the lights, your sound system, and more.


Smart bulbs are an excellent option if you want to automate the lighting system in your home. For example, Philips Hue controls individual or grouped lighting in your residence. You can choose the level of brightness and even color temperature through your smartphone. Some bulbs can turn on or off based on your preferences. Additionally, you can install smart switches around your home to control your house’s lighting system.

Smart Air Control

Automated thermostats allow you to control your home’s air conditioning and heating system remotely. Some sensors can detect humidity and temperature in each part of your home, allowing you to regulate it even when you are not at home. This way, you can keep your electric bill down by regulating the temperature in your home when not in use.

Robot Cleaners

If your lifestyle is hectic, you will need someone to help with your household chores. Investing in a robot cleaner can take a load off your shoulders. You can pre-program it to clean each room in your house while you do something else. For example, robot vacuums work like your regular vacuum in terms that they suck up dust and dirt from your carpet and floors. The more expensive versions will use infrared sensors to map out the size and shape of the room. The automated vacuum will then navigate the room using a logical pattern to clean the entire area.

These robot vacuum cleaners have sensors that will help them determine if there are any changes to the flooring, such as from wood to carpet, so they will not get stuck. You just need to choose what type of cleaner to get that will suit the kind of home that you have.

Security Systems

CCTV cameras are favorites for home security, but you can go beyond this when automating your home. You can look for the door and in-door sensors to record any movement your sensors catch. Some companies connect their security systems to emergency response in case someone breaks into your home so that help will be on the way.


Smart homes are integrating smart locks in place of manual locks and keys. A good example is the Smart Access Panels by Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITS). It modernizes access by enabling touchless and secure entry using face recognition, QR code, or PIN Code. You can also use their smart lockers to secure specific cabinets in your home, especially those containing valuables.

Another example of automating your home is by installing smart doorbells and cameras. You’ve probably come across doorbells with built-in cameras that let you see who’s at the door without opening it. Even when you are not at home, your smart doorbell can record the goings-on in the area so you can monitor even when you are away. This can help give you some peace of mind because you know that your home is safe.

Use a Smart Home Integrator for Automating Your Home

Another option on how you can transition to a smart home is to seek help from a professional smart home integrator. It is possible to automate your home on your own. However, if you want a more streamlined and efficient automated system for everyone in your residence, you will need someone who is well-versed in this technology.

But what is a smart home integrator, anyway?

A smart integrator works with architects, IT specialists, and interior designers to integrate smart devices into smart homes with minimal complications. They can also help you set up your automated lighting systems, home theater, security, and air control, just to name a few.
These integrators are well-versed in automating any space and will be able to suggest the ideal products to use in your home. After all, they get to try them out first-hand, so they will know their pros and cons before suggesting them to their clients. Automating your home is more than just installing plug-and-play devices. It would be best if you had the technical know-how to create a seamless automated system to maximize its full potential. This is the job of a smart home integrator.

AITS as Smart Home Integrator

AITS can transform your home into a fully automated space based on your needs and preferences using our Smart Home Solutions. With AITS, you can easily control, manage, and even schedule your home appliances wherever you are.

  • Smart devices will be integrated seamlessly into a single ecosystem. Each room in your house will be connected to your preferred ecosystem for safer and more efficient automation for your and your family’s convenience.
  • All installed smart home devices can be controlled through a single app. You will have full control over your automated home through your tablet, your smartphone, or any other device that you prefer to use. It is also possible to use voice commands for instructing your automated home too.
  • Data is collected in real-time and then visualized on the dashboard for measuring and analyzing before being reported to you so you can optimize your costs by regulating your activities based on the in-depth report you will receive.
  • An AI cloud platform that conducts predictive analysis and machine learning capabilities in order to make your smart home function more efficiently and productively for your convenience.

Allowing our smart home integrator to assist you with your home’s transition to automation can be beneficial in the long run. This is because we have been providing AI solutions that are customized according to our client’s needs. Your home’s automated system should work for you. If you are daunted by the prospect of equipping and connecting smart devices in your home or office, AITS can do the job for you.

Smart Homes are the Future

The use of AI at home is becoming widely accepted nowadays. This is encouraging since many are seeing the value of having a smart home. With technology at our fingertips, why shouldn’t we take advantage of its benefits? After all, we deserve the convenience that Artificial Intelligence offers us.

Imagine living in a home where you can command your lights to turn on or off with just your voice command. Think of how you can control the temperature of your home so that, by the time you arrive from work, it is cozy enough for you. How would you feel when your oven starts to heat up your food so that you can start eating as soon as you get home? The benefits are endless!

Setting up a smart home is indeed easier said than done. After all, you need to think of what ecosystem to use in your space and have a hub that your entire family can use. Not only that, but you also need to consider the preferences of your family too. Having a smart home integrator like AITS to help you with building your smart home can answer all these and more.

Are you interested in having a custom smart home system installed on your property? Schedule a consultation with us by contacting or filling out our online contact form.

Smart City Solutions, Smart Home